PI Objectives are a key element of SAFe and especially the PI Planning & Inspect & Adapt events. The concept may also be of use when you apply the practice of Big Room Planning for a longer timescale (collaborating on a rough plan for multiple Sprints with multiple teams). PI Objectives can help give Focus and get a shared sense of direction. This presentation aims to include all essential information to get started with creating Valuable PI Objectives. Let me know which parts were most helpful and which can be improved (or scrapped)!

[slideshare id=118982583&doc=piobjectivesv1-181010104908]

If you want a PDF copy, please let me know and I will send it to you 🙂

Just updated the embed to v1.2.0 – 10-10-2018 Find the most recent version ALWAYS through https://sjoerdly.com/PI_Objectives

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