Purpose of a product? Serve customer needs!

Recently I shared my thoughts on what should come first, your customer or your employees in a small post called ‘Customers First or employees first?’. Now I’d like to revisit this topic, because Steve Denning wrote a quite brilliant, comprehensive article about this topic. In this article I will apply Steve’s arguments to Products instead of […]

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LIFO Backlog management; Putting new backlog items at the top by default for shorter lead time

LIFO Backlog Management, what is it and why should you consider it? First off, LIFO stands for ‘Last in, first out’ and is the exact opposite of regular inventory management, where a ‘first in, first out’ (FIFO) approach is taken to prevent inventory from degrading. What does all this have to do with Backlog Management? […]

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Use CRACK to find a good Product Owner

A good product owner is: Committed – success for the product, together with the team is their sole focus Responsible – skin in the game makes sure we take no bad risks and strengthens commitment Authorized – mandate is essential to enable learning and agility (light weight decision making) Collaborative – collaboration is essential for […]

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A P.O. Perspective on the Definition of Scrum

In this series I aim to put a Product Owner perspective to the elements of the Scrum Guide. Where else can we start then at the definition? We’ll discover the most important elements for a Product Owner and what they mean in practice. Definition of Scrum according to scrumguides.org Scrum (n): A framework within which […]

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