A P.O. Perspective on the Definition of Scrum

In this series I aim to put a Product Owner perspective to the elements of the Scrum Guide. Where else can we start then at the definition? We’ll discover the most important elements for a Product Owner and what they mean in practice. Definition of Scrum according to scrumguides.org Scrum (n): A framework within which […]

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More bystanders lead to less help offered – What about teamwork?

Hoe meer omstanders bij een ramp, hoe minder hulp er wordt gebodenMet zijn allen toekijken hoe iemand verdrinkt? Dat kun je niemand kwalijk nemen, want wel of níet ingrijpen is geen bewuste keuze, maar een reflex. Dat blijkt uit promotie-onderzoek van neurowetenschapper Ruud Hortensius van de Universiteit Tilburg naar het ‘omstandereffect’. Margreet Vermeulen13 april 2016, […]

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Thoughts on “Een illusie armer, agile misvattingen”

After reading Daphne Henning’s pulse article Een illusie armer, agile misvattingen (translated: “One illusion less, agile misconceptions”) here are some thoughts I have about the four points she makes in her article: 1. Don’t be misled by technology > Try solving real people’s (everyday) problems, instead of falling for the trap of innovating in new technology just because it […]

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ScrumMaster – Should They Be Technical Or Not?

Should the ScrumMaster be able to understand the technical details of the work of the team? Would this help them be more effective? Or might it hinder them? https://inspectandadapt.com/blog/should-the-scrummaster-be-technical/ Nope. A Scrum Master can benefit from some level of comprehension of the matter at hand, to better understand team discussion. But only to help facilitate […]

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